Jiangsu EC Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd.

How to melt indoor optical fiber optic cables

Time:2023-02-23 10:49:49

How to melt indoor optical fiber optic cables,It is important to properly melt indoor optical fiber optic cables when splicing or terminating them to ensure that the connection is strong and reliable. In this article, we will discuss the steps required to melt indoor optical fiber optic cables, including the equipment required, safety precautions, and techniques to achieve a high-quality connection.

Equipment Required

Before melting indoor optical fiber optic cables, you will need to gather the necessary equipment. This includes:

Fusion Splicer: A fusion splicer is a specialized device used to splice fiber optic cables. It uses heat to melt the fiber ends together and is critical to achieving a strong and reliable connection.

Fiber Strippers: Fiber strippers are used to remove the protective coating from the fiber optic cables to expose the glass fiber core.

Cleaver: A fiber cleaver is used to create a clean, flat end on the fiber optic cable before splicing. This is important to ensure that the fibers are aligned correctly during the fusion process.

Alcohol wipes: Alcohol wipes are used to clean the fiber optic cable before splicing to remove any dust or debris.

Safety Glasses: Safety glasses are necessary to protect your eyes from any debris or flying fibers during the splicing process.

Safety Precautions

Melt indoor optical fiber optic cables requires a high degree of skill and expertise, and it's important to follow the necessary safety precautions to avoid any accidents. Some of the key safety precautions include:

Wear Safety Glasses: As mentioned earlier, safety glasses are critical to protect your eyes from any debris or flying fibers during the splicing process.

Avoid Touching the Glass Fiber Core: The glass fiber core is extremely fragile and can easily break if handled improperly. Avoid touching it with your fingers and use clean, lint-free materials to handle it instead.

Use Proper Ventilation: The melting process can produce fumes, so it's important to work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling any harmful chemicals.

Keep the Work Area Clean: A clean work area is essential to avoid any contamination of the fiber optic cable. Make sure to clean the area and your tools thoroughly before starting the splicing process.

Steps for Melting Indoor Optical Fiber Optic Cables

Now that you have the necessary equipment and safety precautions in place, here are the steps for melting indoor optical fiber optic cables:

Step 1: Strip the Fiber Optic Cable

The first step in melting indoor optical fiber optic cables is to strip the protective coating from the ends of the fiber optic cable using a fiber stripper. Make sure to remove only the outer coating and not to damage the glass fiber core.

Step 2: Clean the Fiber Optic Cable

Clean the stripped end of the fiber optic cable using alcohol wipes to remove any dust or debris that may interfere with the melting process.

Step 3: Cleaving the Fiber Optic Cable

Use a cleaver to create a clean, flat end on the fiber optic cable. This is important to ensure that the fibers are aligned correctly during the fusion process.

Step 4: Prepare the Fusion Splicer

Turn on the fusion splicer and wait for it to warm up. Adjust the settings on the splicer to match the type of fiber optic cable you are splicing.

Step 5: Load the Fiber Optic Cable

Load the stripped and cleaved end of the fiber optic cable into the fusion splicer. Make sure the fiber is aligned properly to ensure a strong connection.

Step 6: Melt the Fiber Optic Cable

Close the fusion splicer and press the start button to begin the melting process. The splicer will melt the two ends of the fiber optic cable together to form a strong and reliable connection.

Step 7: Inspect the Connection