Jiangsu EC Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd.

Application of ADSS and OPGW optical cable in power communication system

Time:2023-01-04 15:07:37

As we all know, the power system is a whole which consists of the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electric energy. In order to realize trans-regional and long-distance electric energy transmission, the power system has built high-voltage transmission lines throughout the region. In order to meet the needs of the urban and rural masses of production and living electricity, there are also criss-crossing, densely covered streets and villages of power transmission and distribution pole roads and ditches. It can be said that high, medium and low voltage transmission and distribution lines are the most extensive network infrastructure at present. Moreover, they have a solid foundation and higher reliability than other networks, such as telecommunications, radio and television networks. Therefore, how to make full use of power system, which is a unique network resource, is an important topic that people have been studying for a long time.

With the progress of technology, in the 1970s and 1980s of the last century, some different from the traditional cable attached to the power line and added on the power tower photoelectric composite fiber optic cable was developed, these fiber optic cables are collectively known as power special fiber optic cable. One of the biggest differences between power system optical fiber communication and other optical fiber communication systems is the special nature of communication cable. Special power cable is less likely to be damaged by external force, high reliability, although its own cost is relatively high, but the construction cost is low. After years of development, the manufacturing and engineering design of special power cable has been mature, especially OPGW and ADSS technology. In China, special power optical cable has begun large-scale application, such as the Three Gorges project long distance trunk OPGW optical cable lines. Relying on the power system's own line resources, special optical fiber avoids conflicts and entanglements with the outside world in terms of frequency resources, route coordination, electromagnetic compatibility, etc., and has great initiative and flexibility.

I. Optical fiber Composite overhead Ground Wire (OPGW cable)

OPGW, also known as ground composite cable and optical fiber overhead ground wire, is an optical fiber unit for communication in the ground wire of power transmission line. It has two functions: one is as the lightning protection line of transmission line, to provide shielding protection against lightning flash discharge of transmission wire; The second is the transmission of information through optical fibers compounded in ground wires. OPGW is a complex of overhead ground wire and optical cable, but it is not a simple addition between them.

OPGW optical cable is mainly used in 500KV, 220KV, 110KV voltage grade lines, affected by power outage, safety and other factors, mostly in the application of new lines.

2. All-medium self-supporting optical cable (ADSS optical cable)

ADSS optical cable is widely used in 220KV, 110KV, 35KV voltage transmission lines, especially on the built lines, which provides a feasible way for the power department to directly use the high-voltage transmission line tower to build their own communication network, suitable for crossing rivers, valleys, lightning concentrated areas and special tension environment overhead laying.