Jiangsu EC Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd.

What should ADSS cable suspension point be considered?

Time:2022-03-06 10:39:06

(1) ADSS cable and high voltage power line "dance", requires the surface can be like ordinary cable ultraviolet radiation resistance, but also need to be able to withstand the test of high voltage strong electric field environment for a long time.

(2) The capacitive coupling between the optical cable and the high-voltage phase line and the ground will produce different spatial potentials on the optical cable surface. In rain, snow, frost, dust and other meteorological environment, the cable surface will be burned, forming electrical marks.

(3) With the passage of time, the outer sheath aging damage. From the outside to the inside, spinning ages and mechanical properties decline, which may eventually lead to fiber optic cable breakage.

(4) In order to minimize the damage caused by electrical marks to ADSS cable, it should be calculated by professional software. According to the established coordinate system, the phase line coordinate, phase line diameter, grounding line type and line voltage level of the tower can be obtained. Induction electric field distribution diagram, according to which the cable on the tower specific lifting point can be determined (to meet the requirements of electric field strength of the lifting point can be divided into high, medium, low three, high lifting point general construction difficulty, operation and management is not convenient; Although the low hanging point has some problems in the safe distance to the ground, easy to occur theft incidents, generally use the middle hanging point), the electric field intensity of this point should be minimal or relatively small, to meet the requirements of cable external connection. Sheath tracking resistance rating requirements.

(5) The selection of lifting point takes into account the economic loss caused by the power failure during the daily maintenance and installation of ADSS cable. The ideal installation position of ADSS cable on the tower is below the phase line; If a safe distance between objects is required, consider installing the cable at the top of the phase line. Through the installation process or in a variety of environmental load conditions do not allow cable and phase line or ground cable contact calculation, calculate the location of the lifting point; At the same time, the risk of sparks from cable support points must be avoided. ADSS cables are usually suspended around high voltage power conductors. The cable is subjected to high voltage and strong electromagnetic field for a long time, which may cause electrical marks on the surface of the cable and even burn the cable. Therefore, the above two requirements are met. It is necessary to verify that the field intensity of the cable lifting point complies with the design specification, that is, to ensure that the cable lifting point has as small a spatial electric field as possible. For the selection of long span cable lifting point, it is also necessary to check the strength of the tower.